Having recovered from heart surgery a couple of years prior to Stupid 19, there was absolutely no way I was going to cover my face and reduce my intake of Oxygen. The whole fiasco made me certain that we are living in the Twilight Zone and some wicked spell has been cast on the gullible creatures known as humans. Hopefully many of them will learn to dismiss the “expert opinions” of those who used this entire thing as a way to feel better about their sorry ass lives by bulling others into submission.

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The lies are running so thick and fast that I find myself incredulous that so many people could be so dishonest. Do they actually believe the drivel they propound? The worst are those who lie by calling others who tell the truth liars. If the goal is to sow the seeds of confusion, they certainly are succeeding. I am aghast at the immorality of our times. I am sure I am not the first to be. Cicero: "O tempura! O Mores!"

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Face covering is a tenet of the covid religion. Anyone who questions the doctrine is a heretic and must be cast out. (I think Zeynep might actually be a high priestess in this religion!)

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Every man-made religion, including Science-ism, has rituals and garbs. The white coats are an example.

As a young girl, a certain religion tried to ensnare me but I would have none of it! Jesus warns us about 'religious leaders/teachers'. Every religion/profession has charlatans.

Find the jewels, they are out there.

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So many idiots , so little time. I smelled a rat in Zeynep. Fisman was paid by teachers unions to advocate for school closures. Other than a handful ie prasad, heneghan, Jefferson, sikora,stabell benn…..zero trust.

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