Jun 14, 2022Liked by Paul D. Thacker

I have it from someone I believe that Western Media "boots on the ground" consists of a gaggle of "journalists" running around Kiev going where they are told by Ukrainian operators.

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Jun 14, 2022Liked by Paul D. Thacker

I am surprised by this portrayal of Paul Mason. I think of him as a serious left wing journalist, quite courageous in his viewpoints. Then he got sucked into the power struggle over Corbyn. Is he really calling himself a "disinformation expert"? A better explanation might be that he continues to focus on dealing with inter-left battles. Or maybe I'm wrong and he is not who I thought he was.

Anyway, very good interview and good to highlight this sudden new transatlantic McCarthyism.

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“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil” Isaiah 5:20

First about the final shrivelling of BBC independence which I believe goes back to the Kelly affair. Following the far from resolved death of that unfortunate man amid the WMD controversy Tony Blair, the British Prime Minister, ordered a public inquiry under Lord Hutton. Basically, Hutton mangled things so that the BBC reporter Andrew Gilligan who was manifestly telling the truth was held to be lying on technical grounds while Blair who was manifestly lying was held to be telling the truth on technical grounds: in the immediate wake of this farrago the Chairman and Director General of the BBC resigned and the corporation fell virtually completely under the control of Whitehall - reporting became sluggish and increasingly untrustworthy and I have not paid any attention to the BBC news service since the mid-noughties, unless someone draws my attention to something. (As to Dr Kelly we may reasonably infer that there was a great deal that the government did not want us to know because most of the papers were sealed till long after we are all dead, and it was particularly repellant to see Blair parading in fancy dress at Windsor Castle yesterday).

As to Ukraine I would not like to be absolutely drawn on which new services are reliable but only to state that mainstream Western reporting puts the old Soviet new services Tass, Pravda, Izvestia in the shade with complete level of its mendacity. I note:

1) The cynical cover up of the origins of the conflict with the US/NATO destabilising of the territory in 2014, the assault on the Donbas, the Nazi militias, the suppression of dissident opinion, the use of the Russian language, and opposition parties, now virtually total.

2) The imbecile cult of Zelensky, and strange parade of Western leaders in Kiev as if there was no war on. The totalitarian nature of modern Western politics (for instance, Keir Starmer, a member of the Trilateral Commission telling Labour MPs that were not allowed to criticise NATO!)

3) Weak reporting of the war with stock images etc pretending that the Ukrainian forces were not slowly being ground to pulp in the east of the country while declaring victory all the time

4) The failure to address the issue of the US controlled biolabs in the country, now admitted to be 43 in number

5) The historic involvement of the Biden family in the territory.

In my view to cover Ukraine properly we have to be able to discuss all these issues freely in the court of public opinion.

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Absolutely breathtaking article and interview.

So we can conclude that the US government lies and makes major use of "disinformation" in the old "Soviet" spirit.

They have been lying since at least 1913, and have controlled the media (85%) since about 1804, and have developed into the current situation where the NSA database is available in the Democrat Socialist's law offices of Perkins-Coie for everything from "opposition research" to blackmail, murder, intimidation, or sale to the highest bidder.

When we speak of the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, we are essentially talking about the FBI, CIA, and DOJ, not necessarily in that order.

The rest of "Big Media" is kissing the INTEL/Justice Division ass for the biggest kickback/tax write-off (Tucker, Sean, Anderson, Nora's various salaries!) they can possibly get because for them it is all about the money, still!

Yet they know "money" is about to become obsolete, so they really want to be on the "good" side of the ledger book.

"But the seeds of that distrust were sown before Putin even came to power."

Absolutely correct, but "verboten" to talk about now.

Everybody knows Communism ended on Christmas Day (!!??!!) back in the early 90s.

You know, "You really can't make this $h!t up."

I always say Senator "Tailgunner" Joe McCarthy wasn't 100% correct, he was 500% correct, and that 5X estimate may turn out to have been low, way way low!

Maybe, just maybe, those "tentacles" reached a lot further than we, or even ol' Joe, thought

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Jun 15, 2022·edited Jun 15, 2022

Paul Mason has taken upon himself the position of supreme arbiter of disinformation, in the UK. There is no room for skepticism in the mind of the true believer: he cares little about the means by which other opinions will be silenced.

The Blair government, to the dismay of the British people, leaped into a war on the basis of disinformation. Yet if this man were in charge: we would do it again. He will deal with anyone who dares to differ by using (his quote) 'white label organizations operating with firm infosec - Signal/ProtonMail, clean phones'. In other words: means that do not trace back to him.

Wake up, fellow Brits. He's coming to get your free speech.





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