Obviously the gain of function labs operate under secrecy. Why? Secrecy occurs to hide something. What is the source of funding? Are there tax dollars involved? There’s so much hidden from us, we are merely pawns in some sort of game of life.

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It's really strange you have this blog about covering the origins of the pandemic honestly and scientifically, and yet you've never acknowledged the first peer-reviewed article to examine a lab origin at all:


Or it's addendum, which is the very first paper to definitively show that the H1N1 virus of 1977 was in fact engineered, in its case by serial passage:


Why have you never once cited or referenced either of those papers? And why do you refuse to discuss this pandemic's origins as a reverting LAV, which has widely been suspected as the source of the 1977 global outbreak, and is clearly the source of the global outbreak of OPV that's been worsening with every passing year:


You seem to be very good at throwing stones, try looking the mirror instead.

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Why didn't you write this, instead of that, and refuse to write about this one paper, is an odd way to start a conversation. But I guess you've started one. Maybe others willl chime in?

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Your article mentions the New York Times taking the lab leak seriously in early 2020. In February 2020 William J Broad emailed me because he heard my original whitepaper had made it in front of the NSC, courtesy of my childhood friend, Jason Shell, who was the Director of Intelligence Programs at the time.

After that initial contact, William J Broad started acting like I did not exist. I have the emails they're covered on my site.

Don't think THAT relates to your reporting?

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Do you understand what primacy is? Do you think it matters when someone publishes first, or can others just show up and act like they knew everything all along? Are you really playing this dumb?

Are you really unfamiliar with the way peer-review works, where multiple senior scientists have to edit and sign-off on a paper before it's published?

Do you really think that our paper, which was published just six months after "Proximal Origins" was, should have been buried by the corporate media and everyone else?

You've blown me off on Twitter for literally years, I'm simply asking you to practice what you purportedly preach here on the "Disinformation Chronicles" and do simple things like maybe, I dunno, exercise some journalistic ethics and give credit where it belongs?

Mention the scientific papers that weren't complete bullshit?

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Except the site is The Disinformation Chronicle not Serial Passaging Oops.

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As well as the discovery of the SV40 in the shots. A suspected cancer promoter.

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Paul, I don’t know how to message you other than this way. Did you ever watch Dr. Phillip Buckhaults who is a molecular biologist and cancer geneticist talk to the South Carolina senate hearing on his discovery of the contaminated plasmid DNA in the shots? He expressed his amazement that the toxic stuff was left in the shots. He downplayed it as best he could saying he didn’t think it was done on purpose it was just dumb. It’s on YouTube. Anyway, I am finding it suspicious that pfizer has just acquired Seagen a cancer company and Biotech Nona Biosciences another cancer company. I have no faith in big pharma and what they would do to acquire more wealth and power. This all sounds crazy but so do a lot of other things. Corporations have a history of evil acts to further their wealth and power at the expense of people’s lives. And it just happens that cancer rates around the world are up and mortality has risen by about 15-20%.

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