Let everyone be themself. Let the people who are thin enjoy being thin and let us, who are somewhat on the round side, be like that. In Rubens' time we would have been the beauty queens. Now they want anorexic models and force young girls to be skinny. Is that healthy? I know quite a lot of overweight people who are healthy, and several skinny ones who are not. Each person is unique. We all have our personal metabolism and that is personal, not an Average number the doctors concocted. Who decides what is a 'right' weight? Who decides what is a 'right' blood pressure? 60 years ago 140 was fine. Then they lowered it to 130, catching a lot of people to take meds. Now it is 120. When I was young healthy weight for me was 65 kg. Now it is 54. Says who?

the people who make money from the scam.

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I think it was Dr. Malone that said something to the effect when discussing the mRNA vax ( until he realized he was right ) "First they make you sick, and then they offer a drug as a solution. That is quite the Business Plan "

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Overprescribed, overmedicated and under investigated. America might be unhealthy but Big Pharma is doing great.

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Remember Jim Fuller Fix, author of The Complete Book of Running, who died while jogging at 52.

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plenty of those lately, having taken the jabs, 'athletes' young and healthy, drop dead like flies. Look at people who still live naturally, they do not exercise, they eat what they can get hold of, and otherwise, they sit together, sometimes have dancing and singing... but they do not go to the (stinky) gym.

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