Breathtaking. Heartbreaking. Enraging.

I only wish upon a star that this Critical article/information could be in the MSM.

Thank you for this.

Thank you Dr. Jay, one of the sweetest smartest guys around.

You’ve maintained your grace and dignity despite the most severe and unjust persecution.

Why? For trying to save lives.

Going Biblical here, the greatest harm being bestowed upon one trying to do the greatest good.

When will we be able to rise above the erring mind?

As Truth cries out her lonely voice, above the chaos of our troubled world.

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The people I now follow are all those who paid a price for their positions...and didn't waver because of the persecution. Courage is in short supply but truth is easier to live with than lying to yourself.

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Hi Ken, if it’s not too much trouble can you tell me the people you are following. I don’t want to miss any people who speak truth to power.

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Glenn Greenwald, Sharyl Attkisson, FLCCC founders, drs Paul Marik and Pierre Kory, Dr. Peter McCullough, Sen. Johnson's panel has a ton of others:


Substack like Free Press, Courageous Discourse, etc

Really anyone who gets bad msm press or lost their job I research to see if they seem legit. It's how I found this site. Good luck!

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When Congress or corp media cheer a source as a whistleblower it's insider PR not genuine leak.

THACKER: I also thought the story was misleading as it claims there’s a “whistleblower” which is a term that gets thrown around all the time, just like “conflict of interest.” I’ve worked with a lot of whistleblowers, while working for the United States Senator who wrote many of our whistleblower laws. Who was this whistleblower?

BHATTACHARYA: There was no whistleblower.

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It’s taken me a bit of time to read this and the underlined links. I’m actually getting more depressed as I’m exposed to the reality of how our “trusted” institutions operate as well in science generally. It’s all so unscientific. Also, how propaganda is used to shape our collective thinking. The weaponized terms, the smearing of people’s reputations who truly want to get it right. This morning in the Toronto Star’s editorial cartoon was a picture of piled up baggage with names scrolled across the bags “misinformation, covid lies, anti science, conspiracy theories” beside the spiky virus which exclaims, “I’m back! And I brought all my stuff!” I’ve had enough and sadly will cancel my subscription later this morning, I’ve been a subscriber for decades. The Star is part of the problem, part of the moulding of people’s minds with disinformation and misinformation. I want to read people who are not sheep and desire to get to the truth or at least another way of looking at something. Without any reliable data collection taking place through out this misery we are all living with, we are sitting ducks. Thankfully, we have people like you Paul who are fighting the good fight. I like to observe. Never in my life in a 20 month period of time have I personally known six people who have been diagnosed with cancer. Two are dead, two are in the hospital dying and the last two may be ok. My observation is that this is not normal. But, nobody of authority seems to be alarmed.

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It's very depressing at times, yes.

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We should figure out why Sweden and Anders Tegnell did the right thing. I bet it is because the Swedish equivalent of CDC had no monetary or reputational stakes involved. Fauci funded the Wuhan lab, received royalties from NIH approved drugs, and pushed remdesvir while slamming any generics or alternative treatment. We have to get the money out of government. Many "experts" are corrupted by power and corporate influence. Dr Bhattarcharya and Dr Ioannidis are shining exceptions to that.

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Good questions.

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Great interview, Paul. Unfortunately I agree with you that there has been no learning. I worry that the next response will be dialed up to 11 with even less scientific support.

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Love your work thank you! Wonder if it would be possible though to cut down on the typos for easier reading….

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