'there’s a strong taste for partisan paintball on social media'

I'm saving that quote.

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It is an interesting question on why the Washington Post writers don't care about the truth -- is it because this is how they succeed - by cheering on rabid partisans? The problem with that though is that the Post is losing subscribers - a drop from 3m to 2.5m since Bezos took over. Or do the writers at the Post not care, because even if the newspaper folds, they can find a chop shop to write their hack pieces from, where they claim Fauci is always right, Trump is always evil, and we have to send other people to die in the Ukraine.

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I wrote to the Editor in Chief at the San Francisco Chronicle as to why the paper on record was not covering any of the news on the "Twitter Files". His answer was pretty pathetic, something about not being able to "verify". As if that mattered during the Trump years. Well, comes to find out this new editor, Emilio Garcia-Ruiz, was the managing editor for digital at the Washington Post. I think partisan runs so deep with these Journalists, editors etc...that they can no longer see their way back to the top and we are left with subpar news. I live in SF and subscribe to the Chronicle. It's become a joke. The only reason I haven't cancelled is because my husband doesn't want to let go of the Sports Section.

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Even saying “it’s a kind of journalism” gives it too much credit.

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Get it togethet, Greg!

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