It is abundantly clear that the upper echelons of our societies are corrupt through and through. It’s daunting. Western countries preach about democracy as something sacrosanct to be coveted and nurtured. I’m beginning to believe it’s just a figment of our imagination, and it’s actually power and money directing the show. Are we that much different than the operating system in Russia? This lust for power and control and the unbridled pursuit of money is damaging the institutions that were put in place to facilitate our egalitarian principle. The system now is too top heavy and the foundation is cracking under the weight.

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Well said. I was just having a convo yesterday at a coffee shop w a friend "I no longer trust any US govt agency" . Behind every agency are new agencies and committees all taking a piece of the pie. IMO nobody really cares about what they say they care about rather how they can benefit from it. It's disgusting.

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