The banning and un-banning of people on X and other social media has become an Olympic sport.

Another great article, thank you Paul.

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Sleuth-in Chief! Thank you, Thacker.

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The misinformation the government was spewing somehow qualifies has absolute info. The smoke and mirrors game going on away from public view is tyrannical. I have personal reasons for being livid about all the censorship that took place during that decision making time. I am so angry about not having the full picture. We were inundated with information that was presented as a fait accompli. Other voices were blacked out, or ridiculed for being anti science and spreading misinformation. My anger is huge over this and made worse by the obfuscation, denials and outright lies. What do we do when faced with the well connected and funded Goliath? I despise pHARMa, who murder under the protection of the law. The government is complicit. Both were involved in the censorship. Is censorship only going to get worse? Democracy?

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The massive conflicts of interest are just endless. Hope Dr. Berenson receives justice but wondering how that all works when one sues a company with a new owner and it's that new owner who has made your lawsuit possible. 🤔

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Pedant alert: Alex Berenson's not a doctor.

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IK. Sorry. My phone , for whatever reason, doesn't allow me to edit. I'll fix it.

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I left all social media earlier this year for many reasons. I'm grateful for your follow up reporting and do hope truth will prevail.

In the beginning of this great video is a recent clip about the 1st amendment from the US Climate Czar at a recent WEF meeting (I guess these 'elites' have to self designate themselves as czar to justify their existence. Delusion appears to be a dominate trait in the West).

Judge for yourselves.



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