McKinsey are everywhere. This comes at a time when the Macron re-election campaign is embroiled in allegations about McKinsey.


We might also note their involvement in the WHO as the WHO bids to acquire global power through its pandemic treaty.


Many urgent questions about these unaccountable global corporate bureaucracies for which organisations in Geneva are perhaps not much more than a front.

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"The New York Times identified Satel as a scholar at AEI, without noting her involvement with Purdue and the company’s funding of AEI. In her essay, Satel also cited a study, without noting that Purdue funded it and Purdue employees wrote it. Before publishing the piece in the Times, Satel sent a draft to Burt Rosen, Purdue’s DC lobbyist to ask him if it “seems imbalanced.”"

Big time thanks for your incredible work documenting the true track records for the revolving door dirtbags and presstitutes who serve toxic profiteers. Most corp news serve the same PR swill but for me there's a higher level of betrayal by New York Times whose decades of pro-gmo OpEds by short list of top buck shills it's intentional evil. (eg Henry Miller, Pam Ronald, Nina Federoff) Stupidity and willful ignorance are bad enough but those who chose to deceive deserve a special place in Hell for it.

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Thank you. Yes, the shills are everywhere.

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NPR has lost all credibility in my opinion! In the past they were my go to for fair, impartial reporting. Bill Gates is now a huge stakeholder........

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Not sure if they've lost all credibility, but they definitely have huge blind spots. Thanks for reading.

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Great piece. A wily politician should change disclosure laws for media.

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What a great and thorough article . The scope of this man made epidemic needs more revelations like yours so BRAVO !

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How is this different from the current FDA/CDC regulatory capture by the pharmaceutical industry? It's a widespread and pervasive problem. If that's covered in the article, forgive me, I didn't read the whole thing.

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