Always appreciate the depth of research and reporting to expose the compromised information the public is given as expert determined fact when it's little more than sophisticated PR designed to mislead. Your conflict of interest research is priceless, big time thanks for the advocacy and public education! https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6777177-Transparency-and-Financial-Conflicts-in

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But what scares me even more at the moment is the way the climate agenda is being used by the super-rich to squeeze ordinary people opportunistically on top of Covid - another parade of humbug in Scotland this week



The answer somehow always seems to be more wealth and power to those that have.

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Somehow their only solution is to screw us.

Everything they propose leads to more taxes, bigger government, fewer freedoms, and a much lower standard of living.

We’re told that we have to give up the internal combustion engine in our cars for the dubious benefits of electric vehicles. Even if they could be produced in the numbers needed (unlikely), the existing power grid cannot handle it.

Nuclear power isn’t even being considered, even though new technology has become available that is much safer and cleaner.

Molten salt reactors are one such alternative.

The people pushing the global warming agenda (‘climate change’ is now being used to cover all eventualities) only really want to see solar and wind power development. It will never be enough.... and they know it.

Another thing: The reason that the ‘hockey stick model’ is so maligned is because...surprise, surprise....

The scientists who created the model LIED to the public when it didn’t pan out, and their own leaked emails proved it.

If they (Mann et al) were willing to lie about that, then why should we believe anything that they say?

IF CO2 levels need to be controlled, then a way to do so needs to be found in an even handed and ‘equitable’ way that doesn’t involve wrecking the economy, banning meat consumption, forcing people into busses, taking away air conditioning, and otherwise enforcing a leftist environmental wish list (and plans for a dystopian Great Reset).....all while watching leftist billionaires and celebrities flying around in their private jets to wherever for ‘climate change ‘ conferences.

The American people expect a rising standard of living, with a better life for us, our children and grandchildren.

I don’t think that we will tolerate an ever declining one.

No one knows what the future holds.

That is a fact. Computer models are only as good as the information used to create them. In the 1970’s people were predicting a new ice age. Then it was Global Warming. Now it’s called Climate Change in order to cover any possible eventual outcome. And if you question anything about it, you are a Climate Denier.

Sounds a lot like the fraudulent Covid ‘vaccine’ narrative to me.....

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