There seems to be prima facie evidence of deliberate intent to obtain grants for restricted work & sufficient linkages than any self respecting journalist in this field to enable a drill down to what could quite possibly be serious, criminal activity.

Have all journalists been hypnotised, threatened, bribed? Or what?

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Hatred of Trump tops all other standards and considerations.

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Dr. Yeadon,

I was the person who was given the DARPA DEFUSE documents, and I ultimately chose to release it after I was unable to find a self-respecting journalist.

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Thank you for your actions, though I’m not familiar with those documents.

Are you in touch with relevant attorneys or are you content in having made public the documents?

Best wishes


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Can your excellent journalists please investigate the publishers of Science, Nature and the Lancet to determine the extent of their connections and dependencies within China and the CCP? Also to reflect on the vested interests within the US and other western governments that might explain the suppression of evidence indicating a lab leak. The evidence that has accumulated so far is so compelling that their must be reasons for this beyond the incompetence of science journalists and editors

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There is definitely something going beyond just incompetence, yes.

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This isn't incompetence. This is malicious intent. It's obvious without a doubt by now that not only did Dr Fauci lie about what he was researching to congress and the public, he made Americans pay for it, and disobeyed a direct command to not proceed. This is a criminal act, he should be sentenced sentenced death for single handedly collapsing the greatest economy in the world, for China to replace!

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The leaked DARPA memo from Project Veritas adds further backing to all of this. If the virus truly escaped late summer 2019 and had already been deattunating in nature for months by the time Johns-Hopkins and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation did their 18 OCT wargame about a virus escaping from WIV and planning "the public-private partnerships that would be necessary" to wage war against it, then that would look a lot more reactive than auspiciously conspiratorial.

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The story keeps getting more interesting as more documents come to light, yes.

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I have said this ever since I was a wee snapper: NOTHING should be allowed to be created in a lab that cannot be reversed, undone, or otherwise mitigated. To do so is just plain, simply, and completely irresponsible.

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I think there are lines that simply should never be crossed in science. The first is splitting the atom to create nuclear energy - for any reason whatsoever, including "medical" uses (radiation "therapy" for cancer, for example, and even for x-rays.)

The second is genetic manipulation of any kind. Way back in the 1970s (I believe) there was some sort of general consensus among many if not most scientists that genetic engineering was a bad idea. But that didn't stop genetic engineers from engaging in this kind of work, nor from creating ever more sophisticated methods (e.g. CRISPR) to do so. Even Jennifer Doudna herself at one point said that use of CRISPR technology is dangerous and should not be used for anything having to do with human DNA. But of course that didn't stop anyone either. And now, what do we have? mRNA "vaccines" which are wreaking havoc with every poor, wretched soul who was either trusting or ignorant enough to allow him- or herself to be injected with these poisons.

I became extremely sick from the Pfizer covid vax, and six months later have not recovered. I still experience serious health deficits which are directly due to the vax, which I expect to be with me for the rest of my life. I can feel that my life has been dramatically shortened by this poison. And I can see this in every one I know who has been vaxed. We all look ten to twenty years older since we got vaxed a few months ago. Most of us have all had medical emergencies or been sickened or injured in various ways since getting vaxed. One of them has died. Most of them - but not me! - refuse to believe that their newly acquired health problems have anything to do with the vax. They are hard-core cult members of the Church of Bad Science / Big Pharmafia / Big Medicine, of which extremely powerful institution A. Fauci is the High Priest.

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I will pray for your healing. I am truly sorry for your health issues. The aging is real. I see it everywhere. God Bless You!

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So ...

Research grant applicant (Peter Daszak behind Eco Health Alliance) applies for big bucks to fund research into potentially dangerous bat virus waiting to spring upon an unsuspecting humanity and kill who knows how many. Grantee also refuses standard risk assessment / mitigation procedures as if those same bat viruses pose no risk to any researchers during the process of the research or any risk of leakage to the public. Grantees then cry foul as soon as public accountability kicks in and some of their research monies are taken away.

In other words, researchers bring non-emerged supposedly dangerous bat viruses into direct contact with humans in order to protect humans from their dangers. While getting millions of dollars, of course.

I don't believe the narratives of these wanna-be heroes.

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Yes, it really is that ridiculous. What it REALLY speaks to what the NIAID/USAID must be like, if an ORM for human subjects or at-risk individuals doesn't seem necessary to provide, even when DARPA provided the exact template to be used for PREEMPT submissions.

And, as I recall, also let EHA turn it in after the deadline [but that's off of the top of my head].

It shows that the NIAID is the wild west by comparison, at least for Daszak.

Don't feel bad - I'd like to think I'm fairly well versed when it comes to the exploits of one Peter Daszak, but even I still get surprised when he does some other completely obnoxious workaround and gets protected anyway....


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Surely the natural origin theory is dead in the water. Either way it looks like treason.

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Never underestimate the financial interests of NIH scientists to ignore this, as well as their brethren in the science writing world.

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Unfortunately we have seen so many cases in recent times when even the plainest truths have made no difference.

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Fauci , Daszac and anyone else involved should be arrested and tried for crimes against humanity. Period!

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To me this is all a money first game. If you want to boost income of the pharmaceutical companys all you have to do is fabricate a need for there products. Perfectly executed plan by all these murderers. World control is the name of the game. Jack

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Villains and crooks. Evil witchcraft posing as science and defense work.

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Why did DARPA, a project of the Pentagon, give billions for this research? Are we expected to believe the Pentagon was unaware of the GOF research?

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Actually, Peter Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance applied for a $14 million grant to DARPA. And DARPA did not fund it. It's unclear if DARPA is funding other gain-of-function studies, but it seems likely.

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But NIAID did fund it, didn't it? (i.e. Tony Fauci's agency.)

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NIAID was concurrently funding some overlapping research that involved creating chimeric viruses.

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That's what I thought.

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Daszak said, “We are now going to be unable to know about the risk of that, which puts us completely at risk of the next pandemic.”

Truly shameless given that we all know how invaluable the research he funded was to combating the current pandemic.

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What's the purpose of this creature to Commit These Horrible Crimes Against Humanity? Why all the lies? He should be hurt the same way he did with other people, especially children and vulnerable people!!!!!

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Viruses are not real. The garbage science is clear they are just taking dead tissue and calling it a virus. So it's worse than anything you can imagine. All the money wasted and all the years of research using our own dead tissue. I guess it is back to the drawing board. Vaccines are the biggest crime against humanity. They are all con man at our expense.

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The first viruses were discovered and the term "virus" came into use in the late 1800s. This article in Smithsonian seems to have a pretty good wrap up of that history. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/what-are-viruses-history-tobacco-mosaic-disease-180974480/

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What do you think of C. Zimmer's recent book about viruses? Do you find it trustworthy, though he himself as a journalist seems to be a shill for Big Pharma?

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Have a piece coming out on Zimmer. He's in love with science.

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I'll be eager to read what you have to say about him.

Your statement "he's in love with science" could mean a lot of things.

It could be ironic - but I don't think you meant it ironically. It could be cynical, as in he "believes" in science the way a religious person believes in God or Spirit, but somehow I don't think you mean that either.

The contemporary use of the word "science" is suspect to me, because it seems that most people are unable to understand that much of what passes as "science" these days is corrupt - it is conducted with corrupt, evil intent, rather than with a commitment to finding physical facts and realities and accepting whatever they happen to be.

Most people don't realize there's even such a thing as corrupt science, because they're unable to distinguish between good and evil, or between truth and lies. They are hard-core, hypnotized cult members of the Church of Bad Science (though to them it's not a church; it's simply "Science.") The High Priest of their cult is currently Anthony Fauci, who, like the Pope, is given the mantle of Infallibility and is considered to be a holy man, a saint.

Because of this blind faith, they gladly take poison (get vaxed) when told to do so. Not only that, but when the poison makes them extremely sick or injures them, they deny that the poison caused their sickness and injuries. This is what is happening today, in our "enlightened," "scientific" age. I find it beyond horrifying. It is mind-boggling and horrific to see how unwilling people are to question anything which is fed to them by the mass media. They actively refuse to allow any questions into their minds. A very few are honest enough to actually say, "I do not want to know." Most simply are in a state of extreme denial, akin to psychosis.

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When I read such articles as this, and spot blatant spelling errors, it makes me cringe. I am a professional editor and would gladly volunteer my services so that the important information you are sharing is error-free and, therefore, will carry more credibility.

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The best way to identify spelling/grammar errors is the process we follow: reporter writes the article; the editor edits; article is then printed to check hard copy for spelling errors; article then published. Within two days, errors become apparent.

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After hard copy check for errors, none were found, and the article went to print?

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China allowed mention of lab leak theory – the bottom line is that the public must believe “C0VlD” is real

Please see:


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That is a false smoking gun. People are unable to credit the coronavirus' innate instinct for survival. So they look at inconclusive conversations and draw the conclusions they wish to verify that the bioweaponry is more sophisticated than it need be.

One great example is the study how MERS (Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome) was allegedly fabricated to migrate to humans in a lab. I read it and the authors did not suspect the paper would be used that way. So they only explain in one sentence that by altering to sequences they have replicated what already happened naturally. Now that shows science and tech could have migrated the bat virus to humans, but it also shows more importantly that the virus itself can and will mutate naturally in order to proliferate by cough and mucus smear.

The combination of events leading to the migration from bat to human is nearly unthinkable. Elite diners in Wuhan are reviving the ancient delicacy of "strangulation". The Bible reflects the Noahide Law against strangulation of animals. This is not what we picture in the West. Picture a tourniquet instead. And the severing of the limb for meat preservation - keeping the animal alive. Not only that but butchering the animals in the kitchen for them all to see and hear each other; elevating the adrenaline in the raw meats served to the diners.

But this is done under the 5G rollout of the perpetual streaming of medical conference calls etc and know that the resonant frequency of 5.048 GHz is calculated directly from the protein scaffolding of the COVID-19 capsid. An antenna to monitor social media and conference calls. You might be getting it now.

At least you might claw through cognitive dissonance, understanding the framework.



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Dr. David Martin has done a symposium on patents dating as far back as 1999. That there was no C. Only a Computer Generated sequence.That came from china used to create the 'V's( if u call them that)! He shows them, it's just so hard to imagine this done Purposely. Scary!

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