Paul, keep up the great work and don't stumble with those who stumble over apt analogies.

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The comments responding to this article illustrate exactly why the US is in the shape it is in right now — intellectually, politically, socially ...

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Great follow up, hopefully this will be followed up at some point by those with the power to fully investigate.

As an aside, with no explanation, the Reddit sub was quarantined. The moderator followed up and got no rsponses from anyone in Reddit. Weirdness upon weirdness. What was once a popular subreddit has been decimated.


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Thanks for this, Sean.

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What does Tucker Carlson have to do with this? And if you are going to bash Carlson, please answer if Anderson Cooper or Don Lemon were any more fair and objective in their reporting ? Have you read Glenn Greenwald or Matt Taibbi on Russia Gate? A substack called Disinformation chronicle should avoid one sided partisan swipes.

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It wasn't bashing Tucker it was an effort to use a well known name & publicly disclosed preference to illustrate the lack of impartiality from the outset. I like Tucker especially his reporting around vaccines and agree there might be better analogies to illustrate it like having the CEO of KRAFT moderate a debate on safety of chemicals on food but the facts speak for themselves.

The system is corrupt to the core, regulators compromised and serving profiteers not the public aided & abetted by MSM tools posing as journalists but actually presstitutes pumping out approved propaganda.

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I'm a bit confused about how the discussion turned to Tucker Carlson. He's probably the most well known TV personality in the States, and he's a definite Trump supporter. Not sure why stating that is controversial. Reporters at Science, Nature, and the New York Times are not supposed to be opinion personalities like Tucker Carlson. Again, why this is clear is hard to understand.

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You made the analogy twice. It makes you seem like you think TC is particularly biased. I actually find CNN, and MSNBC more biased - and dishonest.

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Who's says the reporters at the NYT are not, and not to supposed to be, opinion clowns like Tucker Carlson? I like the sentiment but it's obvious that NYT tows the party line like every other media organization in this country. Why do you think Nicolas Wade, a veteran science reporter for the Times was forced to blog his writings on the lab leak? If you are surprised by the dishonesty and systematic bias against the validity of a major story like the lab leak hypothesis in elite media institutions you don't understand the root of the problem that got us here in the first place.

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Since he's not calling out biased moderators on the other side also, it will just rub a lot of people the wrong way. Does he also support "mostly peaceful protests" with burned down cities? Tucker has done so much to expose the propaganda from the Left that he is regularly threatened, so it is somewhat disgusting to see him used in this way, apparently to appeal to the Democrats.

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Is it possible that WIV did the chimera work on the NIH grant in 2017, or planned to, but UNC planned to add the furin cleavage site to the viruses they were gonna make for the DARPA grant submitted in 2018?

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Anything is possible. Both labs are capable of this work.

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This is what happened. WIV collected wild viruses, tested if they could infect humans.

Then they took the spikes from these viruses and put them into WIV1 and compared how the spikes alone affected infectivity and transmissibility.

Then they sent these spikes and viruses to Ralph at UNC and he swapped out different polybasic cleavage sites and compared micro-variations in the cleavage sequence for optimum binding and stability.

Then we had SARS-Cov 2. The plan was for an aerosolized version of this live attenuated vaccine to be sprayed in the caves in China.

So what happened?

1. Daszak (working for CIA) made the research plan.

2. Shi collected viruses and characterized spike proteins.

3. Baric added all manner of features to the virus to make it into a live attenuated vaccine.

4. It was sent to China and released in bat caves, or it leaked multiple times in both the US and China from labs cleared to store it.

5. China records novel SARS-like virus.

6. Civilian elements of the NIH and Wuhan CDC go into full cover up mode.

The plan was concocted by the CIA such that a release was certain and everyone would be pointing the finger at one another.

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The Tucker Carlson analogies are not helping plus the presidential debates are regularly hosted by a partisan journalists, which is fine. It's also fine for editors of various science journals to favor one hypotheses over others as long they give equal space and weight to other plausible hypothesis, which in this case they have, at best, failed miserably, and at worst aided a totalitarian regime in a massive cover-up. The partisan tone garbles that signal.

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