March 2020 will be remembered as the time when sanity, intelligence, integrity, and good old fashioned common sense were all tossed out the window under the misguided belief it was all done for “our safety”. This was the beginning of what I call Stupid 19.

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Something broke in America.

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It was broken a long time ago. A predatory healthcare system and decades of pharmaceutical-driven vaccine pseudo-science militantly attacking everything that questioned it.

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Excellent article about how those specializing in identifying "disinformations" are the primary sources of disinformation in today's fiction is stranger than truth world. It is incredible the hubris of these self-appointed experts who appear to believe they have figured things out more successfully than those who've devoted the bulk of their careers to immunology or vaccinology. These mountebanks are so far out in their supposed expertise, which is never backed up by evidence, that one wonders if these are real people or avatars created by the intelligence service, the military or big Pharma. Yet I believe that, even if they are, which seems probable, many people reading these on-line comments were swayed by this kind of garbage. Is the solution to censor this kind of "Mal-information"? Of course not! Censorship is the enemy of truth, not its friend. The solution is to teach critical thinking to people. Many who have survived this war on truth have learned critical skills the hard way.

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These people got away with it, because anyone stating the contrary was censored by Big Disinformation. If we stop the censorship, this nonsense will be confronted.

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Big Information - That’s the first time I’ve heard that one. Sounds like Big Brother’s woke bastard step son.

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AKA Censorship Industrial Complex

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Great article. Going in the Saved Folder. One of the things that puzzles me is, what the heck are they teaching in medical school about the immune system now? What did the students who were 2nd or 3rd year and being taught one thing, think about the massive pivot in 2020-2021 to present? Have the high school science textbooks been thrown out? Because I clearly remember learning about the body's immune response to viruses in biology in 10th grade. I'm old - but I have to keep up with science because of my job. It just baffles me how everyone got in line and jumped off the cliff without a thought.

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My book smart/common sense dumb brother will not even listen to another side. People would rather be fooled than admit they've been fooled. And no one in the govt is held accountable...at least in this life.

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I am getting so sick and tired hearing the weaponized term anti vaxxers. It’s really caught on. You don’t even have to explain it, it’s been so thoroughly propagandizing it’s become self explanatory.

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It started about 5 or 6 years back. It's now just a general smear thrown at anyone questioning corporate products.

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This is all really scary. So, I guess the corporations particularly big pharma actually rule the governments.

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The laptop liberal class panicked and for their own safety tried to force the whole world to follow their plan. And as they do with everything, it became tied up with their own virtue.

They united pretty well as a class.

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The spread of "fear" was wide and deep. I still see masked drivers who are in the car alone! Boggles the mind. The worst of the fear peddling ,I saw , were on huge billboards and bus stops in San Francisco. I was outraged at the complete lack of content and just flat out lies. I researched who was behind this campaign and emailed them my thoughts. Of course I never heard back from them. I can't figure out how to attach the pic but this is what it said "UNVACCINATED people are 16 X MORE LIKELY TO DIE than boosted individuals" The 16 x MORE.... part was all in red & caps. It was so frickin dishonest and sooo many people walked around in complete fear of this and completely bought in to the narrative. These were huge billboards and where people wait for the bus! The people behind this dishonest fear campaign was MyTurn.ca.gov.

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Its outrageous that American CDC still pushing the covid vaccines when other countries like Denmark and Switzerland halted it. France and Germany are still pushing it too however to adults anyway. In France nurses and doctors who were fired for refusing the get the covid vaccine have never been reinstated and many are in bad straits. And this in spite of a continuing, and worse since covid, shortage of medical personnel - which the press regularly talks about as a crisis. ( Without mentioning the thousands of people fired or quit or retired early due to the vax requirement).

So just to say, Europe is bad too. And they are mostly ready to sign on to the crazy WHO treaty on future pandemics. Would like more on that btw!

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That's how stupid people at the CDC think we are.

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Yes and the media is the CDC lap dog. My husband is still pushing it. I refuse. I've done the vaccine and one booster, that was enough for me. I had reactions on all three. He's done them all. Well the funny part about that is i've had covid twice now and both times it was because he brought it home. (I have no resentment about that btw) LOL, so much for all those stupid boosters.

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ANY licensed doctor that argued against natural immunity should have their license taken away and the first to be rescinded should be those arguing from a leadership position.

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What is striking is the arrogance and dishonesty of these people. They don’t engage in debating ideas; their replies are always attacking individuals, showing off credentials, diminishing the writer. But our beloved censors and fact checkers didn’t intervene. By the way when are we going to have the fact checkers dismissed for their responsibilities in promoting lies? I guess their line of defense will mimic the worst behavior of the useful idiots we have seen in history: we were told to do that, I have no responsibility.

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