Always an important point. A number of them I've followed for many years as people who stood up for ethics rather than consensus—Peter Gøtzsche, John Ioannidis, Tom Heneghan, and Tom Jefferson in particular.
They barely survived the Santa Clara seroprevalence study. Bhattacharya has written a hair-raising story about the whole ordeal. Ioannidis, who as Thacker points out is one of the most respected and cited academics in the world, also took a big hit (That article has some valid criticisms, but its tone reeks of the intolerance toward those not toeing the official Covid narrative.)
Thanks for reminding me that Jay Bhattacharya had been selected by Trump for the NIH, and if John Ioannidis is also involved with the new publication even better.
Pharma funds everything to do with healthcare including medical journals. I became aware in 21 when looking up covid shot injuries. They all started the same with obsequious lauding of the shots. Our health is compromised by pharma’s ability to control medical journals. Many doctors have gotten the run a round when putting together a journal to submit with studies about covid shot injuries. It’s the same result for them all. The initial contact is helpful, makes suggestions to correct this that or the other. The corrections are made, resubmitted only to be told the original contact is no longer working there and the new people outright reject it. Scientists, doctors have been gobsmacked by this. It smells suspiciously rotten to the core. I am very happy about this news Paul, great job. Hopefully outside forces don’t ensure its failure.
The people involved in the new journal looks like my Substack subscription list. Also: yay for Ioannidis, someone I've followed for many years.
I hope they will indeed welcome a diversity of opinion, and not risk tipping the censorship scale to the other extreme. Publishing the peer reviews alongside the articles is a huge step.
From my perspective as a science-curious civilian, the evil that happened during Covid wasn't so much publishing the bad research, but the fact that no dissenting voices were allowed.
Dr. James Lyons Weiler is the person who has implemented this journal and Dr. Peter McCullough is on the board as clinical advisor. Both are section editors.
The following is an excellent article…
It absolutely opens your critical thinking skills:
I am questions anything from our government these days … I do hope the new journal they are starting has no connection to the pharmaceutical industries.
What a great idea. We’ll have at least one publication which can be trusted.
I definitely agree, you can trust Carl and Tom who both also risked their reputations - which were impeccable throughout their careers.
that is, if you trust these people.
You can trust Carl Heneghan who, together with his colleague Tom Jefferson, runs the outstanding Substack "Trust the Evidence".
Always an important point. A number of them I've followed for many years as people who stood up for ethics rather than consensus—Peter Gøtzsche, John Ioannidis, Tom Heneghan, and Tom Jefferson in particular.
You can trust Bhattacharya and Ioannidis. These guys, early on, risked their reputations and careers during the COVID debacle.
They barely survived the Santa Clara seroprevalence study. Bhattacharya has written a hair-raising story about the whole ordeal. Ioannidis, who as Thacker points out is one of the most respected and cited academics in the world, also took a big hit (That article has some valid criticisms, but its tone reeks of the intolerance toward those not toeing the official Covid narrative.)
The Scientific community ceded the "discourse" to Anthony Fauci and we all know how that turned out.
Peter Doshi is also amazing. I hope his name pops up here too.
This is good news Paul and a good report, as usual.
Great article and great news!
Thanks for reminding me that Jay Bhattacharya had been selected by Trump for the NIH, and if John Ioannidis is also involved with the new publication even better.
Yes, seeing John Ioannidis' name on that list made me sit up straight, with a smile on my face!
Dream Team!
Good news! I hope this gets around to all who matter and that it launches well. Thanks, Thacker!
Pharma funds everything to do with healthcare including medical journals. I became aware in 21 when looking up covid shot injuries. They all started the same with obsequious lauding of the shots. Our health is compromised by pharma’s ability to control medical journals. Many doctors have gotten the run a round when putting together a journal to submit with studies about covid shot injuries. It’s the same result for them all. The initial contact is helpful, makes suggestions to correct this that or the other. The corrections are made, resubmitted only to be told the original contact is no longer working there and the new people outright reject it. Scientists, doctors have been gobsmacked by this. It smells suspiciously rotten to the core. I am very happy about this news Paul, great job. Hopefully outside forces don’t ensure its failure.
The people involved in the new journal looks like my Substack subscription list. Also: yay for Ioannidis, someone I've followed for many years.
I hope they will indeed welcome a diversity of opinion, and not risk tipping the censorship scale to the other extreme. Publishing the peer reviews alongside the articles is a huge step.
From my perspective as a science-curious civilian, the evil that happened during Covid wasn't so much publishing the bad research, but the fact that no dissenting voices were allowed.
Malcolm Kendrick has written quite a bit about problems in scientific/medical research and publishing, including problems with peer review:
(Part II is more about the FDA and regulatory capture, also worth a read.)
Love this!
I’m sure that there’s no way that paying people to peer review will result in any kind of perverse incentives.
Are you familiar with this public health policy journal … World Society for Ethical Science ?
I Would like your opinion on this.
Dr. James Lyons Weiler is the person who has implemented this journal and Dr. Peter McCullough is on the board as clinical advisor. Both are section editors.
The following is an excellent article…
It absolutely opens your critical thinking skills:
I am questions anything from our government these days … I do hope the new journal they are starting has no connection to the pharmaceutical industries.
Sorry. I can't look into everything.