Appreciate the article stating the obvious, but are they (sci writers, CDC, NIH, etc.) really no longer trusted? Were they fired and lost everything like the drs, etc. who spoke out? Didn't ecohealth alliance just get a big grant from NIH? Stelter (and Lori Lightfoot?) at Harvard?! We accept lies like the DC jury in the Sussman case. They knew he lied but it's no big deal. Until we have moral integrity in the majority instead of the minority, your truth-telling is a steep up hill climb. But I'm thankful for your work, despite my cynicism.

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Re: Robert Garry. Who in his right mind goes on Meghan Kelly's show with a photo of Joe Biden visible behind him when he is purporting to be an apolitical scientist?

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Paul, I so admire what you do. Human beings have a sixth sense about being conned most of the time. It’s like a couple where one of the partners is stepping out. Instinctively the harmed partner knows something has changed, they feel disoriented. Trust is integral to our well being. We know that politicians lie, we sort of accept that but don’t like it. But, these last 3 years has turned my world upside down regarding our institutions. They will lie, manipulate and contradict all in an effort to disorient the people. The depth of manipulation is dizzying. Like the harmed partner, the lies and manipulation eventually turns to rage. Implicit in the institutional narratives are that people are stupid and gullible. They can mould opinion like a piece of play dough. Eroding trust is both dangerous and very damaging. Thank you again for unearthing truth and or exposing another POV which results in questioning the ascribed narrative, whatever that may be.

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I wonder if we will ever know why the hell the lab was working on such a diabolical virus? What was the end game? What is the true purpose of the gain of function labs? There’s no transparency whatsoever. Scary.

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Oh we know why they were doing it: hubris. It's the "Hold my beer" school of scientific inquiry.

And similar work continues to be conducted all over the world.

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I guess when I refer, as I often do, to the "credulous stenographers of the US corporate media," I'm not just making a funny.

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