Excellent work!

We need more in-depth exposés of these liars for hire -- please tackle Edelman, Berman and Company, Ketchum, etc... not to mention individual corporate shills like Kevin Folta, Jon Entine, Patrick Moore, Bjorn Lomborg, Michael Shellenberger et al... too many to list.

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Yeah, everyone who disagrees with you is a liar.

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Right, climate change denial is just a matter of disagreement, not a 50-year coordinated effort by PR firms, corporate interests, Congress, and lackeys like you.

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Well, when you make up your science like "Dr" Mann, and every single "crisis" since the late 60s requires more government & NGOs, one does have to wonder where the coordination is coming from, lackey.

PS: Every single "climate" model has been DRASTICALLY wrong. Not that that stops the hype machine, and lackeys like YOU.

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Denialists have successfully delayed climate change action for decades, so you should pat yourselves on the back for a job well done. Fortunately, the warming data are so overwhelming now that we no longer have to waste time responding to the aggressively ignorant like yourself and we can proceed with moving forward to creating a clean, green economy.... finally!

(PS: Yes, some climate models have been wrong -- by consistently underestimating the warming.)

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Put up or shut up. Which models?

And your "clean green economy" means freezing in the dark, because you morons STILL haven't solved the intermittency issue. It doesn't matter how much solar you build, because it gets dark, just when demand peaks. It doesn't matter how much wind you build, because the wind doesn't blow 24/7.

Germany bet big on "renewables". They're going to be freezing in the dark this winter.

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This is simply wrong. The American Petroleum Institute's own models were fairly accurately predicting climate change all the way back in 1980. https://disinformationchronicle.substack.com/p/in-their-own-words-the-dirty-dozen

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"Only 35 of the 1,311 scenarios remain plausible".

Doesn't exactly give confidence in the IPCC modelers, now does it?

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Persuasive hit piece. Kudos.

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I'd be a lot more put out by this if it weren't for the fact that "renewable energy" is a crock. Lots of fakery (LCOE), stupidity (CA electric vehicle mandates, while the CA electric grid barely works with the current load), and outright lies.

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"...not to mention individual corporate shills like Kevin Folta, Jon Entine, Patrick Moore, Bjorn Lomborg, Michael Shellenberger et al..."

Anyone who tells the truth and has no $$ in the game is a "shill"?

Ok..brilliant stuff..and the actual paid govt shills who make huge $$ from the "wee are all doomed" narrative..they are 100% unbiased right with no mortgages or debts to worry about..crickets...

And..because your pretending you care..please confirm your off the grid..grow your own food and do not own a car..(sarcasm)..but hey..wokenergy is all about saying the right things right?anyone..good luck when all the grids collapse and we are living in caves with candles..because "it was for the children"...

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