it is a surprise to me, that anyone is still reading the New Yorker. That rag should have been off the market for quite some time. Many years ago a store offered a free subscription for 3 months. I did not want it but there it was - after the 3 months, they automatically subscribed me for a year! Luckily I have an excellent card service that managed to get my money back from those scoundrels.

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They have some good stuff in the magazine, but it really went over the edge when Trump was elected.

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Most media lost its mind when Trump was elected. This is the main theme of Matt Taibbi's excellent book Hate, Inc.

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"after the 3 months, they automatically subscribed me for a year!"

This is almost universal practice for free introductory subscriptions. The fine print would have explained that you would need to cancel at the end of the three months.

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You get my “Post of the day” award. This is a post that I would, if I could, write. It speaks to me.

To paraphrase: ~just want to be able to get the news w/o all the political spin . . which is now so difficult; why is so much effort required?

I could go on and on, but I’m going to leave it at that, and subscribe.

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To be fair, the New Yorker has good cartoons 😐

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There's one at the top of this article! : )

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Except when they dip into the political cartoons. Otherwise, yes.

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" They use psychological warfare tactics against us by demonizing their target. They did that with Saddam Hussein, and they are doing that to Putin. They use this same tactic against we the people as they have targeted Trump with such hatred and even RFK. The press feeds into this agenda and turns up the hatred even more. ". https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/politics/who-wants-war-raise-your-hand/

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It's the evil man with the mustache model, easily replicated in the brainwashed minds that see no patterns. These lazy minds see no error of their own thinking because they do not think their own thoughts. If they begin to unpeel the layers of deceit they would have to confess their own pride and that takes courage to admit you've been duped. Trust me, I know...when you know you've been tricked, it is very difficult to admit it and turn in a different direction.

Count it a joy when they scream 'conspiracy theorist' to those of us who recognize patterns (and I am strictly speaking of true tyranny which is in one's mind) and shout warnings. They resort to name calling because there is nothing else to defend their cowardice to face the truth.

Don't waste your time on them, pity them but don't try to convince them or bother yourself about their foolishness. Stay strong in the power of God's might. All will be well.

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