Well done. Look forward to your write up after tomorrow's testimony.

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Jun 2Liked by Paul D. Thacker

Excellent article. Keep pulling at the threads gentlemen. I seriously doubt, however, Fauci’s private emails will ever see the light of day.

As an aside, Tucker Carlson’s interview with Jeffery Sachs this week touched on Covid origin. Mr. Sachs seemed very keen to convey how he was duped early on, just like many others, and now believes the virus originated in a lab. What was curious, however, was that he didn’t mention Peter Daszak once.

From Wikipedia: “Sachs set up a number of task forces, including one on the origins of the virus. Sachs appointed British American disease ecologist Peter Daszak, a colleague of Sachs' at Columbia, to head this task force, two weeks after the Trump administration prematurely ended a federal grant supporting a project led by Daszak, EcoHealth Alliance, which worked with the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

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What nobody seems to want to look at is that whatever "Gain of Function" migh be achieved in petrie dishes of CRISPR created consensus sequences grown as DNA clones in E.coli is akin to highly enriched uranium in its comparison to what exists in Nature.

Biotech bench science can make vials or vats of purified RNA that cannot exist because the fundamental biology of RNA is so fleeting & such low replication fidelity NONE of these can be cultured in the wild & grown in a lab.. not from a bat ass or a person. All they can get is PCR smear telling them what was there in the highest concentrations.

These clones are grown the same way mRNA for transfections was created. These RNA clones even Ralph Baric's Wuhan spike varient does NOT change the rules made by Mother Nature. A leak or exposure to their vial/vat of pure RNA clones might have some severe health impact but NOTHING done to alter a coronavirus protein will give it fidelity to circle the globe as anything novel.

Pandemic possibility is mythology laid down over decades & using clones as the exclusive method for virus study that extrapolate a reality that cannot exist in Nature gives us the endless tabletop response exercises & Neil Ferguson models of emergency triggered by invisible enemy.

Their story of a magical RNA that has identical sequence from Wuhan to NYC to Rome is as close to reality as Cat in the Hat pink snow. There is NO biology that shows RNA has replication fidelity.

Fun to remember flu "disappeared" in the pandemic and all the emergency planning was launched after 9-11 when biotech threats became a new funding opportunity.. Monsanto's veterinarian Dr George Poste made Biosecurity czar & FBI began training farmers that objections to gmo crops or hormone dairy were signs folks may be terrorists. F. William Engdahl's 2005 piece about H5N1 Rummy flu is a good reference.. This was rolled out as Pandemic Influenza but flu didn't scare folks.


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Pamela, that link was such an eye opener. It’s all so sickening. These people are truly sick in the head.

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Jun 2·edited Jun 2Liked by Paul D. Thacker

Great work. Very appreciative of the thorough analysis that appears on the D Chronicle.

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Jun 2Liked by Paul D. Thacker

Very well done Paul. Pamela Drew’s link to an article written in 2005 sure explains a lot. It all boils down to profits over people’s lives. It’s so scary to know that psychopaths have the power to unleash devastation for financial gain. What do we as the citizenry do to protect ourselves? How could anyone question, especially in government the eroded trust in our institutions. The institutions were created as a vehicle to enrich the privileged. They all stand together as a united front delivering propaganda to cushion themselves from the public ever knowing the truth. The steep heavy investments in the mRNA shots for instance, like Bill Gates etc. The money made was obscene. Was the pandemic as bad as we were led to believe through over the top fear tactics, just so a few could get even fatter trying to out rich one another? Most of us wouldn’t trust another scare your pants off threat.

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Love the Sorcerer’s Apprentice analogy except the Fantasia cartoon is/was so adorable. The NIH leadership and scientists conducting the non-biodegradable modRNA experiments are mad scientists. There is no upside to any of this dual use research. It’s all downside, no matter what these CRISPR geniuses say. Our government is conducting very harmful biological research. It’s difficult to see anyone in a position of authority making responsible decisions to shut this crap down. I don’t like scientists and government thinking that they can play God with DNA. The hubris is off the charts.

Just say NO is an individual’s only option to a very large array of harmful future modRNA injections in the research pipeline.

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Thank you, Paul. Even my husband, who attacks any conservative article exposing government tyranny, can never fault your posts that I send him.

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