In cases such as this, I always wonder - sometimes aloud - in whose lifetime will all of this finally be laid bare and the slick eels, so surrounded by evidence of their own corruption, that the only words left to utter are: “Yes, I’m guilty of that.”

Thacker, we know this is a slow grind. We so appreciate you! Thank you!

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"Slow" doesn't begin to describe this mess, but I'm grateful as well for Mr. Thacker's perseverance.

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Fact: there is a law for the wealthy, well connected and influential. Then there’s a law for the rest of us schmucks.

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I so hope you are proven wrong on this!

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Good work, Paul. There are probably plenty of people that Fauci emailed clandestinely to avoid FOI requests. Morens holds the keys to who those people are. It’s amazing that Fauci didn’t seem to know who Morens was in his congressional testimony. Who believes that sort of nonsense?

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Good job. Thank you for staying on this.

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God Work!

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God's work?

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Can't wait to see what comes of your request! It's turning in to a true John Grishman drama/mystery novel. 😂

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Welllll it's not like a senior politician has ever done this is it......Hilary? Hellooooo Hilary - can you hear me.....?

These people are worms.

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Maybe whomever hacked AT&T this week can do us a solid and leak Fauci’s “secret” communications.

……and Ursula von der Layen’s “missing” texts with Bourla.

……..and the Secret Service’s deleted J6 texts.

…………oh yeah, and the Mueller Team’s wiped phones.

It’s fine! Everything is fine!

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Thank you, again and again, for your persistent and excellent quality work.

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