If people believe masks work, why don't they just wear them and STFU?

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Soares-Weiser needs to leave (fire/resign, their choice) and Tufekci needs to shut the fuck up on topics where she is partisan, ignorant, and unqualified to chime in.

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That is definitely a viewpoint I have heard.

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At this point, Soares-Weiser could benefit from taking the high road to “spend more time with family.”

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Jeezus...now you cant share the cochrane review. Frightening.

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You mean facts should matter?! Masks are about control, not science.

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The fact that social influencers exist tells us there are millions of ding-a-lings out there who believe anything that's presented nicely and it's the reason being a con artists is such a profitable business, there are tens of thousands of those too.

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I’m just curious. If masks don’t work what’s in it for government to push them? Is it that they’re not sure if they do or don’t work? Go with the possibility they might work? Why is everything a battle today?

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I'm guessing they need to appear to be doing something. They can't just say, "Hey, we don't really know what to do. Let's just try and get through this."

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I think they don’t want to concede defeat as that further weakens their credibility with this whole Covid fiasco.

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Control, manipulation, power.

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"I’m just curious. If masks don’t work what’s in it for government to push them?"

One word...Control.

"Why is everything a battle today?"

Everything has always been a Battle. It just Seems worse today. 1. That Little Silicon Chip gives us access to more information from different sources. 2. (putting my Tin Foil hat on) There is an ideology (Cultural Marxism) that controls/influences large parts of society. Their goal (as insane as it sounds) is the destruction of liberal western society. (See James Lindsay's New Discourses)

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A lot of people have invested a lot of their time, energy, and mental resources to willing them to work. They want them to work. They *need* them to work. And so they *will* work, evidence be darned.

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Evidence of compliance.

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Imo, it just all comes down to politics with Trump and Fauci at the center of it.

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Does anyone think this will stop "Our Betters" from doing it again, or at least Trying to?

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Did the PR company also advise Cochrane to make their study unshareable?

Have we really sunk this low?

This brawl is getting out of hand here.

As we watch in disbelief

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