Great sleuthing! Much appreciated.

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I'm sure the Disinfomation Governance Board will get right on this.

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Sheldon Krimsky’s reputation as a scientist and a humanitarian is impeccable.

The lowest of all the shills tried to crucify Sheldon’s reputation.

Folta: “ Krimsky speaks to his tribe, scientists think he's a joke “

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It’s sick what some people will do for money. Sacrifice your integrity, your soul.

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Great sleuthing! Much appreciated.

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Thanks, Monica. Please keep reading. And tell your friends.

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nicely exposed and described; dark corners need to be illuminated like this

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Thank you. Please keep reading, and share with friends.

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Thank you this article is very much appreciated - this ghost writing is rife in the BS of the vested interest created Skeptic .com and related sites also with the use of certain journalists.

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Why is no one in jail? Are they "too big to fail"?

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I'm only aware of 1 academic scientist ever suffering consequences from ghostwriting. It was a Canadian.

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Excellent background, thank you.

It brings to mind the understanding I had

that Ukraine was, and possibly remains to this day, of special interest to Bayer/Monsanto. So it’s interesting to see the chronology here.


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I've come to expect routine amoral criminality from the corporate world at this point - given there are no serious consequences for it and vast profits to be made. However, I do find myself still somewhat amazed at the incredible moral flexibility and ethical agility also routinely exhibited by both academics and those intrepid "truth tellers for sale" in mainstream media. One could be forgiven for thinking that even medieval Holy Mother Church at the height of its corruption had nothing on our current "system" of basically unfettered unregulated amoral neoliberal "anything for a buck" capitalism. Great piece - thank you.

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The original modern sin – the immense DNC-Deep state Russia-gate hoax led directly to the bipartisan US War uniparty to proxy war -- and likely hot war before November elections to retain power

This is why Democrats are taking us to war with Russia – TC – April 2, 2022


May 2 – Odessa horror by Ukro-Nazis


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Science is corrupted scum. Follow the science to kill yourself quickly.

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It's like any institution, it's got some good, some bad. The problem is that the good often times ignore what the bad do.

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The good seems so rare ...

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